
Petawawa Kia Tackle Video {Jan 2023} This video was posted to Instagram.

This article will inform readers about Petawawa Kia Tackle Video, and how Kia responded to the video.

Have you seen the PetawawaKia Video viral? People around the world have seen this video and are horrified at the things that are happening. People want to know more about the video and PetawawaKia’s actions.

We have the answer for you if you’re looking for the same question. Petawawa Kia Tackle video has been provided to our readers.

What was the Petawawa Kia Tackle Video like?

The viral video featured a battle between the manager of Petawawa Kia, and a customer. The video began recording in the middle. However, according to the thread on the internet the Customer was there for their deposit to be returned.

The Kia manager shoved the Customer out of their store and began yelling. In between all that screaming, the Customer pulled that manager until he called out the Customer’s wife using a vulgar name .

How did this viral video become so popular on Twitter?

Social media allows people to be heard. This video was unfortunately the same. Because of the inappropriate comments and behavior of the manager towards the wife of Customer, this video began appearing on Twitter pages.

The manager was furious and people demanded that the company take corrective action for their rude employees.

After the Reddit video went viral, PetawawaKia reacted to the situation.

PetawawaKia fired the manager who was involved with the viral video. They publicly apologized to their former Floor Manager. They stated that they would continue to provide outstanding customer service and that employees can be expected to exhibit the highest ethical standards.

This video was posted to Instagram.

The PetawawaKia tackle video was shared on several social media platforms, but not Instagram. While it was discussed on Instagram by some, Reddit and Twitter were more popular platforms for discussing the topic.

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The Final Verdict

The floor supervisor from the fighting video was fired. He no longer works for the company. PetawawaKia officially apologized.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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