
Are Facelifts Natural-Looking?

One of the most common fears people have about facelifts is whether the result will look natural. These fears are undoubtedly due to the several plastic surgery failure images and stories that get around. But a simple answer to the question above is yes, facelifts can look natural. 

The result of a facelift largely depends on many factors, the most important of which is the skillfulness of the operating surgeon. If you want to achieve a natural-looking facelift, then certain things must be put in place, all of which will be discussed in this article. So, let’s dig in.

How Do You Achieve a Natural-Looking Facelift?

To achieve a natural-looking facelift, you can adopt the following guidelines and principles:

Work With an Experienced Surgeon

The best thing you can do when preparing for a facelift is find the right surgeon for you. When choosing a surgeon, here are a few things to look out for:

  • Years of quality experience in the field of facial cosmetic procedures
  • Board certification and professional credentials that establish their educational background 
  • A proven track record with a high percentage of successes
  • Someone with whom you feel safe, comfortable and at ease. 

Dr Ivo Gwanmesia is a board-certified, highly skilled craniofacial plastic surgeon with over a decade of experience in performing facelifts that are not only natural-looking but also long-lasting. Here are some facelift before and after photos that prove just how natural Dr Ivo’s facelifts look. 

Opt for a Full Facelift

While skin-only facelifts are way less expensive than full, they might not be the right choice if you want to look natural after the procedure. This is because when it comes to facial ageing, it is not only skin deep but also involves the underlying muscles, fats and tissues of the face. Therefore, in a case where only the facial skin is lifted over drooping muscles and tissues, the result will be an unnatural-looking appearance. 

So, if you want a natural-looking elevation, it is important to lift the underlying muscle and tissue layers alongside the skin. Another advantage of full facelifts over skin-only facelifts is that the results of the latter last for way shorter than that of the former. The implication of this is that in another few years, you are likely to require another procedure.  

Do Not Overstretch the Skin

The mistake many surgeons make is that they overstretch the skin of the face, the result of which is an obviously and unnaturally ‘stretched’ appearance. An ideal face is one that is supple and soft, with enough skin to move easily. It is, therefore, important not to place too much pressure on it. 

Additionally, due to the reduced production of collagen as we age, our facial skin loses some elasticity and firmness. So, stretching it too tight causes it to loosen over time, thus beating the initial purpose of the facelift. 

Choose Add-on Procedures

In many cases, the signs of ageing are not limited to only the middle and lower face but also include other areas such as the forehead, eyelids, lips, and neck. Therefore, if you want a natural-looking appearance, it is important to ensure that all parts of your face and neck are tightened and lifted. 

Since most facelift procedures only cover the middle and lower face, it is advisable to choose some extra procedures to address other areas. Some examples of add-on procedures include eyelid lifts, brow lifts, blepharoplasty, and neck lifts. 

Take Pre-op and Post-op Care Seriously

Some of the most critical periods of your facelift journey are right before and after the surgery has been performed. During these periods, it is necessary to obey all instructions given by your doctor to ensure that your results are not botched. Most of these instructions revolve around your diet and level of physical activity. They include: 

  • Ensure that you do not smoke for at least two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery
  • Stay away from medications that may put you at risk of bleeding during this period
  • Eat healthily
  • Stay away from stress 


Truthfully, no one wants to go around with a face that looks unnaturally stretched and lifted from a failed cosmetic procedure. While the guidelines we have provided above will greatly increase your chances of having a natural-looking facelift, the role of a strong and consistent facial skin care routine cannot be ignored. Therefore, if you want to look as natural as possible, ensure that you take good care of your skin and your health in general. 

James Morkel

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