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4 Different Type Of Makeup Brushes That You Should Know About

Cosmetics and beauty products work to enhance your appearance. They enhance your natural features and hide your blemishes. If you are new to the world of beauty and cosmetics, you are likely to make the mistake of considering all beauty products to work just the same. However, that is far from the truth, and it takes months of experimentation to figure out the right cosmetic that suits your skin, complexion, and individual sense of style.

A Quick Glance: Type Of Makeup Brushes

When you visit a makeup brush manufacturer that offers customized products, you will be surprised to know the variety of products that are on offer. Right makeup brushes and sponges are essential to get the ultimate flawless look. So if you are getting blotchy makeup despite investing all the time and effort, you are probably using the contouring brush to do your foundation.

Here is a quick glance at the different types of makeup brushes available in the market and how to find the perfect one for yourself. 

Foundation Brush 

The right foundation brush ensures that the application of the foundation is smooth and uniform, with no visible patches. Moreover, the brush should feel soft and give a smooth feel when you use it on your skin. If the brush feels rough, it is most probably not of excellent quality, and you should replace it. Foundation brushes are flat, with a gentle taper at the end.

You should pour the foundation on your palm and then mix it with the foundation brush before applying it to your face. 

Concealer Brush

Concealers are used to cover up the natural blemishes of the skin. Small patches under the eyes or on the bridge of the nose might need concealers. Hence, unlike foundation brushes, concealer brushes do not need to give all-around coverage of the face. Concealer brushes are thin with flat heads. The brush is to be dipped in the concealer and then applied to the areas that have pigmentation or a darker tone.

Contouring Brush

Contouring enhances the natural features of your face and gives you a chiseled look. Contouring is applied on the bridge of bone or the cheekbones to enhance those structures and hide double chins or jowls.

Contouring brushes have their bristles shaped in an angular fashion. The contouring powder is pigmented and has a darker tone than your regular skin. The angular tip is used to enhance your natural features like your jaw area and your cheekbones and to make your face look slimmer.

Eyeshadow Brushes

Different types of brushes are used for shading the eyelids. The two most common types are the  eyeshadow (flat) brush and the blending brush. The flat one is used to apply the eyeshadow on the eyelids. The blending brush is gentle and has a narrow thin end that helps blend the eyeshadow. 


Buying makeup essentials like sponges and brushes is trickier than it seems. It requires thorough research and a lot of trial and error to develop a product that genuinely suits you and gives you the perfect look.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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