
Method Of Loci: Why Might It Be Useful?

Having a perfect memory is the dream of many modern people. It allows you to achieve good results at work or in education and feel more confident. Method of Loci is an excellent solution for those who want to finally put things in order in their heads and learn how to structure their memory correctly.

What Is The Method Of Loci?

Probably, many today have heard about the well-known mind halls, which are used so effectively by Sherlock Holmes in books and TV series. For many, this method of memorizing large amounts of information seems fantastic, but Arthur Conan Doyle was far from becoming the founder of this method. It is assumed that even during antiquity, thinkers began to use this to memorize significant treatises widely.

For some time, this method was lost, and people began to revive it only after actively popularizing the famous consultiдng detective.

To understand the method of Loci, parse the meaning of this word. In Latin, the word “loci” is the plural of the noun “locus,” which translates to “location.” So, people create a building where they put all the necessary information in their minds. Then they can decide for themselves when to use it and when to clean it up and dispose of it as unnecessary.

The most straightforward and most understandable method of Loci example is Sherlock Holmes. This great detective knows how to distinguish between different types of ash but does not consider it necessary to remember that the Earth revolves around the Sun. He does not need this information, and he deleted it. Of course, someone will say that this is a fictional character, and he will be correct, but some real people have mastered this in the modern world.

Another method of Loci example is the two-time memorization champion, Jonas von Essen. At a young age, he captivated the audience with his phenomenal memory. However, at one time, he also had slight memory problems. He set himself the goal of correcting this and achieved excellent results. Jonas von Essen created his technique that allows anyone to make the same memory as Sherlock Holmes.

How To Master The Method Of Loci?

How to use the method of Loci? The first thing to do is build a mnemonic device inside your mind. It should be a large, well-known building for you. It could be:

  • Your house;
  • Your parents’ house;
  • The office where you spend most of the day;
  • Just a beautiful building where you come for a walk at any time convenient.

For the first lessons, you do not need to create something huge to master the method of loci. Instead, choose a building that you know well; otherwise, you risk just getting lost in it.

Next, you need to come up with information that you want to remember, such as the phone numbers of your loved ones. You close your eyes and imagine your building. Next, choose a cabinet and put the phone numbers on separate shelves. The next day you will be able to imagine this building again, open the closet and remember the correct phone number.

Of course, you should not expect good results in the first days of training. To improve the result and speed up the learning process, you can do exercises that will improve the overall state of memory and improve fantasy. A good solution would be to use the memoryOS application, which was developed under the supervision of Jonas von Essen. It will allow you to more easily and quickly understand the features of building your castle and tell you what exercises are best for mastering the method of loci. Training in this mobile application takes only 20-30 minutes a day, and the result will be noticeable in a few weeks.

How to use the method of Loci? Once you build a mnemonic device and learn how to use it, you will be able to memorize vast amounts of information. The main goal of this method is to structure memory, to teach you how to manage it. Ideally, you can learn to control what data is sent to long-term memory and what information is immediately deleted as unnecessary.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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