
How to Stop Toothache from Derailing Your London City Break

There are several reasons why you might be experiencing toothache. For example, you could be suffering from tooth decay or an infection from a wisdom tooth. No matter the cause, it can be very uncomfortable and cause pain.

Unfortunately, toothache is one of those things that can happen suddenly. You can wake up in the morning in pain. Alternatively, it can develop during the day without warning. It is not something you prepare for if you have never had problems with your teeth. Thus, if it happens when you are on holiday, it can be worrying.

If you are on a London city break, there are things you can do to help yourself. There are experts in the city, plus plenty of stores that can provide you with pain relief. Here are some things you can do to stop toothache from cutting your holiday short.

See an Emergency Dentist in London

First, you need to evaluate the type of pain you are in. If you find the toothache excruciating, this is a sign you have to see an emergency dentist in London. In addition, if other side effects accompany this pain, you should book an appointment. This can include mouth swelling and signs of a broken tooth or infection. The last thing you want is to worry your work trip and to feel terrible.

Therefore, the first advice is to see an emergency dentist if you are in doubt about your condition. Thankfully, there are places you can go, and that will be accommodating. For example, you can get emergency dental care at Smile Cliniq. You can book an appointment online, and they will ensure they see you as soon as possible. They can examine your tooth and see what is wrong. What’s more, they can offer you treatment so that you are able to feel better during your London city break. This could be until you get back to your ordinary dentist or they can solve the problem at the time. You can discuss your options with the experienced team and ensure you are happy with the outcome.

Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

If you have a busy day ahead on your city break, you can try taking over-the-counter pain relievers. We are referring to medication such as ibuprofen. This might help with a minor toothache and make you feel more comfortable. Indeed, the pain can be numbed temporarily, which allows you to enjoy your holiday.

Note that if you still have a toothache at the end of your holiday, you should make an appointment with your local dentist when you go home. It is not normal to experience this discomfort, and you want to get to the root cause. This way, you can stop taking pain relievers, as you cannot be on them long-term as this could be detrimental to your health.

Rinse with Salt Water

When you have toothache trouble, something else you can try is rinsing with salt water. This may help with pain relief and is an easy way to help yourself. It can also help remove bacteria from your mouth, lowering the risk of infection. You want to do this if you have to wait to go to the dentist.

Therefore, for this technique, grab a cup of warm water. Then, you want to add around one-half a teaspoon of salt. You should mix it in and then rinse it around your mouth. Try to do this for around 20 seconds. Just make sure that you do not swallow any of the mixture. This is going to be very unpleasant, and it can contribute to dehydration.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

Toothache can often be made worse with what you eat and drink. For example, if you are eating hard foods that you have to chew a lot, this can aggravate the issue. Alternatively, beverages that are cold or hot can cause discomfort too. If you already have a toothache, you do not want things to be more unpleasant. Thus, you want to watch what you consume carefully during this time.

While it can seem annoying to watch what you are eating and drinking if you are on holiday, it will pay off. It means you can keep the discomfort to a minimum and not aggravate the toothache. Thus, be conscious of what you order in restaurants and the items you buy in stores. This is just until you can get an appointment at the dentist and find out what is wrong.

Try Peppermint Teabags

While it might not work for everyone, there is a technique you can try to numb the pain. You can use peppermint teabags. This is said to create a numbing effect if you hold it to the area that is causing you pain. Some people like to keep this warm as this can be soothing. Others like to put it in the freezer so it is cold. You might find that this offers some relief.

Of course, this is not a tactic that is sure to work. But, it is worth a shot. It is uncertain when it really can work and numb the area or whether it is all in your head. Either way, you can buy some peppermint teabags and give it a go.

Use a Mouthwash

There can be many reasons why you have mouthwash. But, one thing’s for sure, you want to protect the area and ensure that it does not get infected. Therefore, it is recommended that you use an anti-bacterial mouthwash. This will help keep the area clean and stop this from happening. 

Some mouthwashes can help with dulling the pain of toothache. Look at some of the products on the shelf and see if you can find one that can help relieve some discomfort. You might be surprised by what you find and be able to use a product that allows you to enjoy your trip. A local pharmacist might be able to assist you too.

James Morkel

Tech website author with a passion for all things technology. Expert in various tech domains, including software, gadgets, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Dedicated to simplifying complex topics and providing informative and engaging content to readers. Stay updated with the latest tech trends and industry news through their insightful articles.

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