
Todd Gillingham Obituary {Jan 2023} Learn more about him!

This article on Todd Gillingham Obituary was created to provide a brief overview of Todd.

Who is Todd Gillingham Is he still alive? Is he still alive? Would you like to learn more about him? Is it because people are curious about him? He was a celebrity? Todd’s story is all over Canada and Canadians want to know more. You can read the entire article if you are one of them. Below is all the information you need about Todd Gillingham Obituary. Please take the time to read it with all your attention.

Who is Todd Gillingham Updates on him

Todd Gillingham was a hockey star who was born 31 January 1970. He is 52 years of age. Todd, a well-known hockey player, was born in Canada. He was born in Labrador City. According to recent news, he was also accused of various toxic offenses. He was to face trial in court. He was found guilty of the offenses he committed, because he did not appear in court during the trial.

Todd Gillingham Biography

Todd was born on January 31st, as mentioned. He played in many matches for Canada. He was a highly talented and well-known player who made a lot of money through his game. He was a former player of hockey. On October 26, 1940, he passed away. He was the brother of four sisters. It is heartbreaking and sad to hear about his passing. After hearing about his passing, his family and friends are in great pain. He was tall and handsome, with a Height of 188cm. While a young man, he had a remarkable career. He was a player in the AHL as well as the International Hockey League.

What happened to him?

The famed hockey player is gone. Although he was no longer with us, he is still well-known for his popularity and fame. We offer our condolences for his family. He passed away at the age of 52. His death was not explained at the time due to various reasons. Many people would like to know why he died. Todd died naturally, it was a natural death. His family has received our love and prayers. Who were his Parents Janice Gillingham Rossiter was Joan’s mother.

Learn more about him

Todd received his education from Marianopolis School where he studied French and business. He later attended the Commemoration College of Newfoundland where he studied Liberal Arts. He was part of senior hockey teams which helped him improve his game. Todd had a lot of Net Worth. The exact amount is not known. His family is grateful for his support, prayers, and love.


Todd was a well-known hockey player. He died at 52. This was very sad for his family and fans. Wiki does not have much information about his personal life.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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