
Do’s and don’ts of swimming pool maintenance!

Any property would benefit greatly from having a swimming pool, offering a cool respite from the summer heat as well as a fantastic way to keep active and have fun. But maintaining a pool properly is also a duty if you want to keep the water pristine, secure, and appealing. Swimming pool care issues might include murky water, the spread of hazardous germs, and expensive repairs. The important dos and don’ts of swimming pool maintenance dubai care will be covered in this article to give pool owners a trouble-free and pleasurable pool experience.

What are the Do’s? 

  1. Regular Testing and Balancing of Water Chemistry

One of a most important parts of pool care is testing the water’s chemistry. To stop the development of potentially dangerous microbes and algae, check as well as adjust the pH, and total alkalinity, as well as chlorine levels often. The optimal pH range is 7.4 to 7.6, and a  chlorine concentration must be between 1 and 3 parts per million. The efficiency of chlorine is ensured and swimmers’ skin and eyes are protected in properly balanced water.

  1. Skimming and Cleaning Debris

Debris like leaves, and bugs, along with other things can build up on the pool surface and the bottom. Skim the surface of the pool regularly with a net skimmer to remove floating debris. Also, invest in a quality pool vacuum to clean the pool’s floor and walls. Regular cleaning not only keeps the pool looking pristine but also prevents clogging of the filtration system.

  1. Maintaining the Pool Filtration System

The filtration system for the pool is crucial to maintaining clean, contaminant-free water. Regularly backwash as well as clean the filter, especially during times of high usage. A clean filter ensures proper circulation and enhances the effectiveness of the sanitization process. Additionally, inspect and clean the pump baskets to prevent blockages that can lead to pump failure.

  1. Weekly Brushing of Pool Surfaces

Algae and bacteria can cling to pool walls and floors, especially in corners and crevices. Regularly brushing the pool surfaces helps prevent the buildup of these unwanted substances and allows the pool chemicals to work more effectively. Use a pool brush appropriate for your pool surface (concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass) to avoid damage.

  1. Water Level Management

To achieve ideal skimming and circulation, keep a water level within the advised range. When a water level falls below the skimmer opening’s halfway, refill the pool. However, avoid overfilling, as excessive water levels can strain the pool’s pump and filtration system.

The Don’ts of Swimming Pool Maintenance

  1. Neglecting Pool Cover Usage

Neglecting pool cover usage can have detrimental effects on pool maintenance. Pool covers serve as a valuable asset by preserving heat and minimizing water evaporation, which helps maintain the water temperature and reduce energy costs. Moreover, pool covers act as a protective barrier, preventing leaves, insects, and other debris from contaminating the pool during inactive periods. Without a pool cover, debris can accumulate, leading to higher chemical consumption as the pool struggles to maintain proper water chemistry. Additionally, increased debris necessitates more frequent cleaning and filtration, adding to maintenance efforts and costs. Embracing the regular use of a pool cover not only promotes water conservation but also simplifies pool upkeep, creating a cleaner and more inviting swimming environment while reducing overall maintenance workload.

  1. Overlooking Regular Inspection of Equipment

Regular inspection of pool equipment is crucial to make sure the durability and efficient operation of the pool’s pump, filter, and heater. Neglecting these inspections can lead to serious breakdowns and result in expensive repairs. A professional inspection allows for the timely detection and the resolving of prospective problems before they worsen. By identifying and addressing problems early on, pool owners can avoid costly repairs and prevent disruptions to their pool enjoyment. Additionally, well-maintained equipment operates more efficiently, contributing to better water circulation and improved water quality. Investing in periodic inspections by experts is a proactive approach that safeguards the pool’s overall health and provides peace of mind for pool owners.

  1. Allowing Chemicals to Expire or Misusing Them

Allowing pool chemicals to expire or misusing them can have serious consequences. Expired chemicals lose their potency and effectiveness, leading to inadequate water treatment and an increased risk of algae growth and bacterial contamination. Moreover, improper chemical usage can result in chemical imbalances, causing skin and eye irritation to swimmers or even more severe health issues. It is crucial to store chemicals correctly, storing them far from direct sunlight in the cool, dry area to guarantee safe and effective pool care. For best results, treat the water according to the manufacturer’s dose and application recommendations. Equally important is avoiding the direct mixing of different pool chemicals, as this can trigger hazardous reactions that may pose harm to both the pool and its users.

  1. Allowing Pets in the Pool

Allowing pets in the pool may seem like a fun idea, but it can lead to several issues. Pet fur and waste contain organic matter that introduces contaminants into the pool water. These pollutants may cause hazy or unclean water by altering the chemistry of the water and reducing the efficacy of pool sanitizers. Pet hair and trash can also block the pool’s filtration system, decreasing its effectiveness and necessitating more regular cleaning and maintenance. It is crucial to keep dogs out of the pool in order to avoid these issues. Instead, set aside a special place with fresh water or a pet-friendly pool for them to enjoy.


Proper swimming pool maintenance is essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Following the do’s and don’ts mentioned in this article will help pool owners keep their pools in top condition. Regular testing and balancing of water chemistry, along with consistent cleaning and filtration system maintenance, will help maintain clear and inviting waters. Additionally, employing pool covers, inspecting equipment, and adhering to chemical safety guidelines are essential steps to prolong the life of the pool and avoid unnecessary costs. With diligent care, swimming pool owners can create a welcoming oasis for family and friends to enjoy for years to come. For professional assistance, consider an office fit out company in dubai.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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