Digital Marketing

How to get YouTube subscribers fast and for free? Eight tips for 2021

Instagram and TikTok likes have introduced a new way for brands to experience video, but with 5 billion videos being watched on its platform daily – YouTube is still the reigning king of visual content.

Winning YouTube subscribers is important to gaining access to the social network’s monetization features. Furthermore, the number of subscribers also indicates to the network algorithm that the videos posted are relevant to the audience. Thus, the content tends to appear to more people and, consequently, the channel has an increase in its engagement and its popularity.

Amidst so many productions on the platform, it may seem difficult to stand out from the competition and achieve the dream of success, but it is not impossible. If you want to grow on the network quickly and for free, check out below for practical tips that can help you earn YouTube subscribers.

1. Use keywords

One of the main ways used to find a video on YouTube is using keywords, that is, expressions that are directly related to the content. When the user searches for a term, the videos that usually appear first are the ones that contain the same searched words.

Therefore, it is important to optimize both the title and description of the video with the terms most searched for by users on the network. For example, instead of calling a post “My makeup”, it might be more interesting to put “Party makeup”

2. Publish frequently

Recording and editing content for YouTube can be a lot of work, and even if the video is well-produced, there is no guarantee that the number of views will be high. However, it is important to emphasize that the frequency of posts generates a connection with subscribers to the channel.

That way, followers can expect videos every day or every week, for example, and become more loyal to the content. Furthermore, this practice demonstrates to YouTube itself its purpose of collaborating with relevant productions on the platform.

3. Using YouTube Cards

Using YouTube cards is an option to make your videos more interactive. The feature allows you to view videos, playlists, channels, or links during the last 20 seconds of your video. The idea of ​​the cards is to complement the productions and improve the viewer’s experience with relevant information. In addition, they also help the user to continue browsing the platform, in case the links redirect to other videos or channels.

4. Build a community

While an ordinary, isolated video can be effective in getting attention, it tends to create a passive user experience (where the viewer is simply watching rather than interacting).

In contrast, the beauty of YouTube is that it creates a sense of community for brands, with each channel having the potential to build a loyal and highly engaged audience.

There is a common understanding (of both creators and viewers) that comments are expected and appreciated. Since you can now also buy YouTube comments, brands must therefore be ready and willing to respond to build a relationship with the audience throughout a cycle of communication and interaction.

5. Produce Quality Content

For the content to achieve a good result, the productions must have quality. Before starting recording, try to make a script to ensure that the content is interesting and has a well-structured beginning, middle, and end. 

It’s also important to think about good lighting and possible scenarios to hold the attention of those watching the video. Invest in good equipment for recording, capturing audio, and editing software or applications such as Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, or Sony Vegas.

6. Share the YouTube channel link on other social networks

Most people are connected to social networks other than YouTube. Therefore, it is important to expand the ways to publicize your channel’s address. 

For example, on the Instagram profile, it is possible to put the link in the bio so that the public can also access YouTube content easily. And, if you have more than 10 thousand followers, another option is to use “Drag up” in Stories, so that the user is automatically redirected. It’s also worth creating your own channel page on Facebook and Twitter to make your work better.

7. Choose topics that are being sought after by the public

“What would my audience like to watch on YouTube?”. This is a question every content creator should ask themselves before starting to shoot a video. Although it is interesting that the channel stands out for its own characteristics, it is worth remembering the importance of knowing what types of information and video formats are in high demand on the network.

Therefore, publishing on the most discussed topics at the moment is a great way to attract views and new subscribers. It is still possible to rely on the help of applications or sites such as Google Trends to find out what are the most searched subjects.

8. Use the CTA (Call to Action) method

The “call to action” or CTA strategy, widely used by marketers, can effectively gain more subscribers on YouTube. As the literal translation of the term suggests, the idea is to call the viewer to action. An example is a phrase “If you like the content, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel”, which is usually inserted in the first few minutes or at the end of the video.

Another phrase to motivate viewers to engage with the video is “click on the like” or “leave the like”. The amount of likes also helps the platform’s algorithm to identify that your work has quality and relevance.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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