
5 Ways to Spot Hilarious Stand-Up Comedy Shows in Covent Garden

Are you fed up of seeing comedy shows that are just not funny? Unfortunately, this is a risk that can happen, especially if you are going to comedy festivals and free shows. It is a lucky dip what you are going to get.

If you are going to be in Covent Garden, know that there are good comedy clubs you can visit. They can have some hilarious stand-up shows that will get you laughing again. Not sure how to tell which one is going to be the best? Here are five ways to spot a fantastic stand-up comedy show in Covent Garden.

At a Popular Comedy Club

First, look at where the comedy show is. If you notice that it is a free show in a local bar in Covent Garden, this is not guaranteed to be great. Sure, you might have a laugh with your friends and you can enjoy a drink. But, the focus is not going to be on great comedy.

Instead, look for a show that is at a comedy club. Namely, this should be a popular venue in Covent Garden and one that has made a name for itself. This demonstrates that it knows how to put on good shows for its audience. For example, for a great comedy night in Covent Garden, check out Comedy Carnival. They are a well-known and respected comedy club that hosts a variety of popular shows. They have been around for many years and you will see experienced comedians here.

Includes Several Comedians

There are some comedians that have individual shows. In other words, they run the entire show for the audience and people have a great time listening to their stories. But, these are usually well-known and famous comedians. The tickets sell themselves. So, how do you spot a hilarious stand-up comedy show if you do not recognise the names?

Well, a good element is if the venue has placed several comedians in the same show. This ensures that you get a taste of everyone’s comedy style and humour. You get snippets of their stories, which can allow you to have just enough time with each one. Indeed, if you do not like some, you know that there are other comedians coming on stage. You get a flavour of everyone, which makes for a better show. So, take a look at the show and its format. Ensure there is at least three comedians.

Comedians are Experienced

Something else to research is the comedians involved in the show. With some easy research online, you can find out whether they are new to the comedy game or if they have been around the block a few times. Generally, the more experienced a comedian, the better they are going to be. They know how to command the stage and have the confidence to continue their jokes. What’s more, the fact that they have been around for a while means that people find them entertaining.

While rushing in and buying a ticket for a comedy show in Covent Garden can be tempting, do some research first. Quickly check out the comedians that are in the show and see what they are like on Google. You can find reviews and videos of what their shows have been like in the past. You will also be able to tell how long this has been their occupation.

Raving Online Reviews

Let’s keep it real. If a comedy show is funny, you are going to hear about it. There might be online newspapers reporting on a show or you get great feedback from other online users on social media. Either way, people are talking about the show or venue. Of course, this is a good thing and it can encourage you to get tickets. When other people share that they have had a great experience, it gives you confidence that you will too.

Therefore, do an online search. Check out the comedy club and the shows. See what people are saying about them. If you are seeing a lot of five-star reviews or good comments, this can be a sign that you have found a great stand-up comedy show in Covent Garden. Then, you can find out for yourself.

Several Shows a Week

A sign that you have found a hilarious stand-up comedy show is if it is running more than once a week. Indeed, this means that it has been a hit, and the venue wants to offer the show to various audiences. It will include the same line-up of comedians and might include shows on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. As you would expect, different people come to the show on a Thursday than might visit on a Saturday.

Thus, if you see that a show is on several times a week, this can be an indicator of its greatness. It is on offer to different audiences because it is going to be popular and the venue wants to ensure everyone can be entertained. It also gives you the opportunity to decide on the best night for your schedule.

James Morkel

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