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What To Put in A New Mum Hamper

You may wonder what you need to do to start your journey as a new parent. One important thing to do is to get a new mum hamper Singapore. This hamper will have all the essentials you need to get started on your parenting journey.

New mum hampers are a great way to show your appreciation and support for a new mother. They are thoughtful and practical gifts that can help a new mum feel pampered and appreciated. Here are some ideas for what to include:

A healthy snack boxes

A healthy snack box is a great way to show your support for a new mum. It’s a thoughtful and practical gift that can help her to stay on track with her health and fitness goals. Here are some ideas for what to put in a healthy snack box for a new mum:

-Whole grain crackers

-Nuts and seeds

-Fresh fruit and vegetables

-Healthy energy bars

-Herbal tea

-A water bottle

This healthy snack box is a great way to show your support for a new mum. It’s a thoughtful and practical gift that can help her to stay on track with her health and fitness goals.

A pampering kit

A pamper kit for new mums is the perfect way to show your appreciation and support for everything they do. Whether you are looking for a gift for a baby shower or just want to show your mum some love, put together a hamper full of useful and luxurious items to help her feel relaxed and pampered. Here are some ideas of what to include:

-A cozy robe or dressing gown

-A scented candle

-A relaxing bath bomb or bubble bath

-A nourishing face mask

-A box of her favorite chocolates

-A bottle of bubbly or wine

-A gift certificate for a manicure or pedicure

A baby care essentials kit

As a new mum, you will want to make sure you have everything you need to take care of your new baby. Here is a list of essential items to put in your new mum hamper:

Baby clothes: You will need plenty of newborn clothes, including onesies, sleepsuits, hats, and socks.

Nappies and wipes: You will go through a lot of these, so make sure you have plenty on hand.

Baby formula: If you are bottle-feeding, you will need baby formula.

Breast pumps: If you are breastfeeding, you may want to invest in a breast pump to make life easier.

Muslins: These are great for mopping up spills and protecting your clothes from spit-up.

Baby blanket: Your baby will need a comfy blanket to snuggle up in.

Toys: A few soft toys will help keep your baby entertained.

A voucher for a night of babysitting

Knowing what to put in a new mum hamper can be tough. You want to show you care, but you don’t want to overstep your bounds. A voucher for a night of babysitting is the perfect way to show you support for her new journey into motherhood. It’s a thoughtful gift that will be appreciated and used.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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