
How To Keep Rugs Clean If You Have Pets

Pet owners face a delicate balancing act between their love for animals and the need to keep their homes reasonably clean. While allowing pets free run of the house may give them more room, it makes cleanup after them that much harder.  

Dealing with this on top of their everyday messes might be too much, especially for households with rugs. Because of their materials, they’re much more susceptible to retaining dirt. 

Contacting reputable cleaning services like Rug Wash Specialist is the most effective solution for your problem. But to maintain the rug’s state of cleanliness afterward, here are some tips you should try:

  1. Look Up Different Methods

From steam cleaning to blotting, various techniques are available for rug maintenance. But they all boil down to how much dirt the rug accumulated and how long it stays there. Naturally, steam cleaning is the best solution for severe accidents, leaving the rug 80% – 90% covered in dirt. Combining a cleaning solution and the steam cleaner’s suction is undoubtedly the best way to remove dirt. 

Meanwhile, blotting or scrubbing the rug by hand is only suitable as a quick fix, especially right after your pet makes a mess. Get between the carpet pilling and fibers for a thorough cleanup.  

Another strategy for dealing with spills is to place a towel over the area of the carpet that has been stained. Step on the towel to absorb more liquid, and rotate it until your carpet stops feeling damp.

  1. Be Mindful Of Cleaning Solutions

Professional rug cleaners can’t proceed to do their job without knowing whether you own pets. After all, this information is crucial for your pet’s health. Since most cleaning solutions contain strong chemicals, they might harm pets when they come in contact. For example, carpet deodorizers could make your rug smell nice. But because they contain chemicals, your pets might develop hot spots once they lay down on the freshly cleaned rug. 

Because of this, many pet owners prefer to use homemade solutions. Applying vinegar and water or baking soda rarely harms pets because these substances are not toxic. But for those who want a more effective solution, it’s best to do your research. Consider looking up pet-friendly cleaning solutions approved by official organizations.

  1. Invest In Quality Equipment

Pets can lead their owners into all kinds of trouble, and accidents are not uncommon. While there’s nothing wrong with renting cleaning equipment, you might find it more cost-effective to buy it instead. 

Because aside from having it on hand, there’s no need to spend money on it unless you lack cleaning supplies or require maintenance. Thus, be mindful of which equipment is best to make your purchase worth it.

  1. Put Outdoor Mats

Even though you already have rugs or carpets inside the house, it doesn’t hurt to place one outside your entryways. After all, everyone inside tracks dirt, whether people or pets. But outdoor mats could significantly cut down the amount of dirt, especially during wet seasons. All you have to do is shake them off or vacuum them regularly. After all, they’re the first line of defense for indoor cleanliness; dirt buildup is inevitable.

  1. Vacuum Regularly

Although there aren’t any visible signs of dirt, you can only imagine what’s hiding between your rug’s fibers and pilling. Given how tiny some bugs are, you might find ticks and other parasites infesting your rug any day now. That’s why you must make it a habit to vacuum regularly. Start with high-traffic areas since they’re walked on the most. Observe where your pets rest or stay frequently to target these spots.

  1. Clean Pets

Checking and cleaning your pet’s paws every time they enter the house will only go so far. Consequently, it is vital to keep your pet’s body as clean and free of dirt and bugs as possible.

Bathe your pets regularly. Relying on their tongue baths alone won’t be enough to keep their fur clean, even for cats. Brush them on days when they don’t get a bath to remove excess hair, especially for pets that shed often. Do these tasks outside to avoid getting any fur on the rug. Furthermore, trim their nails down to keep them from getting snagged.

  1. Act Quickly

Giving dirt a chance to settle will make cleaning up harder. Additionally, dirt buildups damage rug fibers and cause them to emit foul odors. Since that’s extremely harmful to people with respiratory problems, you’ll need professionals to handle your rug. Otherwise, it’s impossible to get them out without the right equipment.


As cute as pets are, they’re notorious for getting dirt inside the house, especially on rugs or carpets. Considering they’re sensitive to specific cleaning solutions, cleaning rugs won’t be easy. But with proper research, you can keep your rug clean while your pets are safe. Aside from your rug, another way to keep it clean is by reserving time to care for and clean your pets. That way, they’re less likely to bring in any dirt.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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