
Craig Kelly MP Website Craig Kelly, who is he?

Craig Kelly is the most prominent person in Australia. He has been an MP for Hughes divisions since the 2010 federal elections. He is also a member of Liberal party. Recent news has highlighted him as a trending topic for several months. Everyone is mocking him for his poor social media activity.

Craig Kelly MP Website is a topic of great controversy on the Internet. This has been considered a major drama to gain publicity. Let’s get to the bottom of it.

Craig Kelly, who is he?

Craig Kelly has been a Parliamentarian since 2010. Since 2010, Craig Kelly has been a member of the Parliament. He recently joined Clive Palmer’s UAP and will be leading until the next elections. Kelly was born on 29th September 1963. He attended public schools for his education. He then joined his family’s business of furniture and became a seller.

Kelly founded the now-defunct SSRA Southern Sydney Retailers association, a platform that was used to foyer the Australian competition and the consumer commission.

Why Craig Kelly M Website Media?

Craig’s reckless actions in spreading false information via social media about COVID-19 has earned him a lot of criticism. Kelly’s Facebook page shows that there was more engagement in January than any Prime Minister or other powerful leaders.

Since January, he is the most popular politician in Australia. His website spreads fake information about COVID-19. It also sends messages to 14,000,000 Australians about vaccination.

It is claimed that Kelly is the one behind the messages. Kelly used his official Craig Kelly page.The purpose of the website is to send policies and the latest updates. But, because he failed to renew the domain, his website was hacked. It was linked with YouTuber-friendly Jordies.

Craig’s Website

Craig Kelly’s website wasn’t owned by him, but it was registered on 7/09/2020. You will also see the large Craig Kelly photo on the first page. This shows him wearing a mask over his eyes. Craig’s image has been redrawn to show that the troll wrote on Craig’s left side.

Craig Kelly’s MP Website has a YouTube video by the friendly Jordie’s at the party. The twist is that the fundraiser link supports YouTubers on this website. Jordan Shanks is also a well-known YouTuber.

Get all the details right here.

The Bottom Line

The Coronavirus pandemic changed the course of a person’s life. It is not a good thing to spread false information on COVID vaccination or play with the emotions of people. Craig bought a website domain in order to add policies and update the public. Kelly’s Craig Kelly MP Website domain was not renewed. It is currently being trolling by YouTubers.

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Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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