
Creating a Multilingual Website

Do you ever wonder why organizations always tend to create an online presence for their business? The reason lies behind one word only, i.e, ‘Convenience’. The word itself is very vague. Hence, it’s important to take a deeper look at it. For instance, It is convenient for people to avail free home delivery, instead of traveling to their desired location. And It is more convenient for people to use the mobile application of their bank to transfer funds than to physically visit that place. Similarly, it is more convenient for organizations to develop an online presence of their business in order to convey their brands’ message, than to physically distribute pamphlets every time they plan to launch a new product or service. Furthermore, if an organization attempts to expand globally, the geographic distance can only be bridged via online websites. But first, one has to think globally. You cannot just create a website and hope it will reach everyone. Without localizing your e-commerce business, it would probably be an unsuccessful endeavor. Hence, for instance,  if you are planning to localize your mobile game application, you cannot even think of competing in the global market until and unless you take assistance from Professional Video game localization services.

How to Create an Effective Multilingual Website?

Experts proclaim that there is no single methodology for creating a successful website. Some things work for certain businesses, but that never means it would work for another. There is no universal blueprint that can enable any business to become successful in its field. However, you always endeavor to be the best version of yourself. You may also want to know how long does it take to build a website. It may take up to five to six months to design and deploy a successful multilingual website

In this article, we will try to mention some of the steps that can help you make your website more efficient and effective. 

Keep It Simple

First, always write the content on your website in the simplest form. Your aim is not to impress your viewer, but to make him understand the message you are trying to convey. Hence, rather than complicating sentences vis-a-vis redundancy and difficult words, it’s better to be simple, precise, and to the point. Do not try to immerse a lot of ideas into long sentences. But it’s advisable to go for simple and short sentences. This may seem like a simple task but it’s very difficult to convey complicated ideas in simple words. Hence, you take assistance from certified Chinese translation services that can help you do that.  

Clarity is the Key

Secondly, it’s important to use active voice in your sentences. Because they will ensure that your content maintains clarity and is easily understood by the viewer. Moreover, using an active voice will automatically make your sentences shorter and precise. Hence, customer engagement will be maintained through the text.

Avoid Use of Idioms and Metaphors

Many times, businesses tend to use very specific or specialized technologies that can often lead to difficulties when the translation process is started. These may include idioms or metaphors that often lead to misinterpretations. Hence, the writing methodology would be to avoid such phrases or proverbs. Or at least keep them to the minimum.  

Cultural Relevance is Important

In professional writings, especially if you are writing for your website, which will probably be seen around the world, you should try to avoid unnecessary humor. Because you have to understand, every culture is different. A joke or humor that is considered funny in your culture, it’s not necessary it will be received with the same enthusiasm. Hence, it’s better to conduct thorough research of the target audience and then decide if the humor part is even necessary or not. In this scenario, you can take assistance from professional Chinese translation companies that can hire human translators from the target culture. And ask them if the intended humor is even with it or not.

Keep in the Mind Geographical Parameters & Time Zones

Another important aspect that businesses need to consider is that you cannot create an effective website without paying attention to the geographical parameters of the target audience. This may include the proper time and dates of the region. Because different countries have different styles or formats for mentioning dates. So rather than mentioning the numbers of the month, it’s advisable to spell out the entire name of the month, like using February rather than using 2. Moreover, it’s also important to understand the time zone of the target regions. As they have different time zones than yours. So they might be visiting your website at a different time. 

Make Communication Effective

The world of business has moved from phone calls and fax machines. In this global age of technology, efficient communication is preferred. Hence, instead of fax machines, emails or virtual meetings are conducted to communicate. 

Payment Methods and Currency 

If you have an e-commerce business, you cannot survive without enabling currency conversion for your foreign consumers, who do not understand the complexities of dollar rates. Hence, make sure that your website has the option in which the consumer is shown the prices in his state’s currency. Many people refrain from buying from online businesses in which the currency rate is not mentioned in their own native language. Hence, when you avail the assistance of professional video game localization services, if you are selling your game application, they will make sure that the correct rates are mentioned in the native currency of the target market. 


In this article, we tried to mention some important points that an organization should consider when it is deciding to create a website for its business. The world of globalization has enabled almost every person from any part of the world regardless of age, gender, sex, social status, ethnicity, religion, or nationality to offer a service or product to the world. However, if you are using the medium of online websites to offer your services, then it’s imperative to follow some of the guidelines that are mentioned in this article.

The main aim is to localize your website in such a way that the message of your brand is effectively and efficiently conveyed to the target audience. In this scenario, your aim should be to avail the services of professional translation agencies that are providing impeccable localization services to assist companies to penetrate foreign markets. So for instance, if you want to localize your video game application, you can take help from professional video game localization services, as they will do the job for you. 

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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