Life Style

How to understand that a guy changes and deceives you?

Many young girls are suspected of treason. It is not easy to find out what a man is betraying. Girls have to look closely at the behavior of a loved one to understand whether her boyfriend is cheating on her. There are sure signs that will help determine if there was a betrayal.

Physical symptoms

 Women’s forums often discuss how to understand that a guy is cheating on you. This ancient test is very effective, but it is extremely difficult to conduct it without the husband’s consent. It should be done as follows: the guy goes to bed with water. If he has recently had sex, the testicles will lie on the body under their weight. Without sex, the male “balls” would float freely in the water.  

  • Unfortunately, this folk method does not confirm the accuracy of 100% betrayal, so we advise girls to pay attention to other physiological signs of infidelity: Decreased libido. The boyfriend not only avoids going to bed with his girlfriend but does not want to have sex with her. Libido decreases because he lacks comfort on the side. 
  •  Increased attention to their appearance. The man begins to lose weight, go to the gym and is interested in fashionable novelties in clothes, perfumes. This is because he wants to look better for his mistress.  
  • Asymmetrical in quarrels attempts by a woman to find out the relationship. Psychology recognizes that sincere emotions are reflected in all parts of the face and false. If a man wants to hide the deception, he will try to lie, smooth out the conflict, evade the answer. At this point, his face will be asymmetrical. An example of this is a crooked smile. 
  •  Straight back, chin raised. If before the guy was hunched over, walking, looking at his feet, now his posture and landing will change. He is satisfied with himself as a male, and he is full of pride. The confidence instilled in him a new love.  
  • View. Becomes wandering, secretive. If a guy does not want to and starts an affair out of boredom, he is afraid his gaze will betray him. He tries not to look at his deceived girlfriend, avoids face-to-face conversations.

Psychological signs 

Female intuition helps to find out whether a guy is cheating. Take a look at the behavior of a potential liar, talk to him. Signs of infidelity will be the following signs: 

  1. Indifference to sex. His heart and head are occupied with others – new relationships, experiences. My girlfriend lacks mental strength.  
  2. Increased attention to the legitimate girl. This is the other side of the lie. Sometimes traitors feel guilty for what they have done and become more attentive, caring, and kind. If the guy often begins to make unexpected gifts and is too active in bed, without reason to improve your relationship, there is reason to think about betrayal.  
  3. Often speaks of the need for rest. It is difficult for a man to break on two fronts. He gets tired, so he complains to a woman about fatigue. If a man has no emergency at work, no health problems, check his phone book for new female names.  
  4. He loved work, hiking with a dog. If this has not been observed before, you should be wary. Probably his new passion is where he wants to go faster.  
  5. Unclear costs. The man stops bringing home his salary and spends money on unknown needs. The beloved will try to hide this fact, so keeping his wallet under surveillance will be useful. 
  6.  Phone anxiety. He does not leave the room if the smartphone is charging, always carries it with him, puts a password on personal pages on the computer, hides messages and calls. 
  7. Frequent business trips outside the city. It takes time to meet a mistress. If you send a man on business trips more often, there is a reason to call his boss and clarify the purpose of business trips.  

One sign from the entire host list cannot be the main one and confirm the betrayal is 100%. There should be several. So do not arrange a big quarrel at once. Look at the behavior and men for a long time.


Teenagers often ask questions about how to understand what a guy changes through correspondence psychologists. Their communication is reduced to sending messages to each other. In reality, they are seen much less often.  

So, in the SMS, you can find the following signs of infidelity: 

  • He writes less often, colder.  
  • Stopped wanting. 
  •  Do not send cute gifts, surprises. 
  •  I do not like pictures and do not respond to messages for a long time.  
  • You can check the dateyou app review, and thus find out if the guy is lying to you. He often sits online on social networks and does not write anything to his favorite.


Girls know many ways to understand what a guy is changing. The main thing is to know exactly what you need. Sometimes it is better to turn a blind eye to rare betrayals and not stir up the past or break off the relationship forever if betrayal is taboo for you.

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