
6 Mascara hacks that can make your eyes look stunning

Mascara can grab people’s attention and make your eyes stand out. Just a little mascara can transform your overall look. Although it’s one of the most amazing makeup products on the market, applying mascara can be a little bit tricky. Mascara has pros and cons, and if you’re not careful enough, your eyes might look like a mess with just one product. So in this article, we’ve listed some mascara hacks that can be useful for you to have flawless application and a stunning look for whatever makeup styles you want to achieve.

Take advantage of angles

You can easily customize your look with mascara by using angles. Changing your wand’s angle while applying mascara can create a big difference compared to just brushing it on.

Here are some tips to remember:

  • Thicker lashes- Hold your mascara brush horizontally.
  • Longer and natural-looking lashes- Hold your mascara brush vertically.
  • Holding curl for a longer time- Wiggle your mascara wand from the root to the tips of your lashes.

Less dipping, more twirling

As you dip your mascara wand in its container, you tend to forcefully pump some air in making it easy for bacteria to enter and spread out. What you can do to prevent this is to twirl your mascara brush from start to finish to evenly distribute the mascara in your brush and to lessen the entry of air in your mascara.

A little heat goes a long way

If you find your mascara dried up or clumpy, a little heat can bring it back to life. All you have to do is to tightly close your mascara and let it sit in a cup of hot(not boiling) water for a few minutes before using.

Note: If it doesn’t de-clump, maybe it’s time for you to replace it with a new one.   

Coat, powder, coat               

How can you apply thicker mascara without it chipping off when it dries? All you need is a small eyeshadow brush and a little translucent powder. Apply a coat of mascara as you would normally do, brush a thin layer of powder on top, then finish it with another coat of mascara and let it dry. This will help your mascara stick to your eyelashes for a longer period of time and make them look evidently thicker. 

Bend some brushes

Not all eyes are the same. We all have different eye shapes and sizes, therefore not all mascara wands will be perfect for each one of us. Another genius hack is to bend your mascara brushes, yes, bend it. You can gently bend the tip of your mascara brushes to make it parallel and horizontal to your lash line. This way, it can be much easier to reach and coat your eyelashes, especially the inner and outermost corners of your eyes.

Cover both sides

While most people only coat the front side of their eyelashes, why not do both front and back? After applying your usual mascara on the front side of your eyelashes, next you can look downwards to carefully and gently coat the backside of your lashes. You can also flick your mascara wand towards the end of your lashes to give it a bit more curl.    

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