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Signs And Symptoms Of Black Mold

The first identification of Stachybotrys chartarum, more commonly known as black mold or the fungus that can grow on walls in homes was made by a Czech mycologist back when he discovered this species growing indoors at an apartment building. Advanced mold detection services can help to identify hidden mold as well. 

The phrase “black mold” is not something that most people are familiar with, but it has been in use for decades. In the 1990s though, news broadcasts would frequently report on black fungus growing around homes and buildings all over America- this sparked a new sense of urgency among those who were affected by its effects as well as policy makers trying to find solutions!

Though black mold has been associated with many health problems, the details are still up for debate. This article aims to help those who may be worried about being exposed get some perspective on what their risks could possibly entail- and how much they really matter in this world!

A black mold scare

In 1993, toxic black mold caused 10 cases of bleeding lung syndrome in infants. The condition is now linked to a horrible mystery that took place during flooding near Cleveland where the CDC found out how dangerous these types of ailments can be for children especially because they are still developing organs and need proper ventilation at all times.

The controversy over water damage and mold growth has been an issue for homeowners nationwide ever since the CDC issued their update. Stories like those of houses lost due to flooding or property beset by moisture-related problems make it clear that this problem is not going away anytime soon.

What is black mold?

The mold species Stachybotrys chartarum is often referred to as black fungus because of its appearance. However, there are other examples such as Aspergillus niger which can also cause health problems in humans when inhaled or ingested.”

You may be surprised to learn that there are more than 60 other species of black mold, though this article will only concern Stachybotrys chartarum. These molds can have deleterious effects on human health.

Black mold is actually brown in color because it contains melanin, which provides protection to the colony from damaging effects. Melanin also helps them survive under low-light conditions and protects against oxidation.

How Ordinary Is It?

Indoor mold is a common issue in water damaged buildings. Molds can be found ranging from Penicillium, Cladosporium Aspergillus , Alternaria and Fusarium . Stachybotrys although not as often does occur but should still receive attention accordingly because of its potential health risks if left untreated or unnoticed.

Molds are organisms that require moisture to grow. Mold can be found in the air, on objects or surfaces around your home and it is important for you to know how dangerous they may become if left unchecked by proper ventilation with lower humidity levels preferred over 90%.

The average person spends most of their time indoors so this environment tends towards higher rates than what would naturally occur outside where there’s more natural sunlight penetrating through windows – which helps keep things dry!

Therefore, it is more likely that Stachybotrys will only grow in high humidity areas. The other common molds have a higher likelihood of residing throughout the house itself and could give off an odor if not dealt with quickly enough before they start growing again or spreading further through exposure to air conditioning units cooling out their warm surroundings while waiting for new hosts!

Where Mold Can Be Present In Home?

There is evidence that suggests high humidity could be a risk factor for the growth of Stachybotrys. In fact, Boutin-Forzano et al (2004) found 97% relative humidity within walls to lead toward greater colonization rates with this fungus compared to other conditions like 60%. Higher levels of humidity can grow mold. 

When it comes to black mold, you may consider checking for humidity in smaller microclimates such as sweating pipes and under sink cabinets. You can also look at front loading washing machines or standing water that might be found on your property’s exterior.

Roof leaks are another common place where this type of fungus thrives because they offer shelter from rain storms which makes these areas more prone towards becoming flooded due again high rainfall rates combined with little maintenance done by homeowners themselves so there could potentially always remain an opening into their homes where bacteria would grow quickly if left unchecked.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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