
Top 5 Reasons Commuters Should Consider an Electric Bike

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, it’s thought that close to a million people in the United States alone cycle to work. It’s a simple way to avoid the morning rush-hour traffic and allows you to take a more relaxed approach. You can enjoy a brisk cycle, whether it’s to the local shop, to accompany the children to school, or get to work. With the introduction of electric bikes, cyclists are in two minds. 

Some have embraced the notion of electric bikes, while others aren’t too sure. Then, some commuters don’t think electric bikes are for them. Many love the notion of cycling to work but aren’t sure if it’s just too much hassle for them. So, what are the top five reasons commuters should consider an electric bike?

Save Money Commuting with an Electric Bike

You might think it’s more convenient to use public transportation, especially when your workplace is around an hour away. It can, however, be far more expensive in the long term. For example, say you ride the train Monday-to-Friday and pay around $100 per week. That is an average of $400 spent per month on your commute. It’s a lot of money even when you can comfortably afford it.

In comparison, you pay zero to commute with an electric bike. Of course, there is the initial investment to purchase the bike; however, after that, you don’t have to pay a penny for commuting. That is fantastic and convenient. 

Even if you drive, looking at an electric bike can be a brilliant idea. For instance, your drive to work takes forty minutes. There is no free parking at your job location, so you must pay to park less than a block away. It costs $50 a day to park. It’s a nominal amount but adds up to $250 per week. It’s a lot of money. Even when you find a cheaper parking space; it all adds up. With an electric bike, you never have to pay for parking. You can order the bike outside work or buy a folding electric bike to store at work. 

Make the Commute More Convenient

Let’s say you take the bus to work. It’s a fifty-minute journey, but the bus doesn’t stop outside your office, and you still must walk another ten minutes. It’s a long commute and can be just as hectic in the summer as in the winter. With an electric bike, you can make it easier on yourself. While public transportation can be very reliable, peak times are a nightmare because everyone is doing what you are and trying to get to work. You can quickly feel overwhelmed by the morning dash and when the buses don’t turn up or are running late, it’s added stress you don’t need. 

Electric bikes, however, remove that stress and make the journey more convenient for you. For example, your bus is supposed to arrive at 6.56, but it’s late and doesn’t show up until 7.10. It’s overcrowded before you step on the bus as the last bus didn’t break down. Instead of trying to squeeze into the bus, you put your helmet on and take a leisurely cycle to work. You can leave at your usual time and take it easy; however, you can cycle right to your office door. There’s no jumping on and off buses, and you can cycle. 

Improving Your Health and Fitness

It’s incredibly difficult to squeeze time in your day to exercise when you have busy work and home life schedules. You might like exercising and improving your fitness, but it’s easier said than done. When you’ve had a particularly stressful day, exercising is the last thing you care about. You’re too tired to head to the gym and just want to put your feet up and rest. Fortunately, an electric bike can give you a workout without you knowing it.

For instance, your commute to work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It’s an excellent thirty-minute cycle each way. Potentially, you could get an hour of exercise just by doing your commute. You cycle into and out of work; it’s as simple as that. You could squeeze in ten minutes by taking a more extended route home. Electric bikes can be the ideal commuter’s tool, and they’ll get you healthy too. Of course, you can’t rely too much on the power assist, but you’ll still burn calories even if you need to use it. It boosts your health and improves your core, leg, and back muscles. Choose the best electric bike for you. 

Cut Out the Drama

You don’t mind driving home or even taking the bus; unfortunately, people lose their heads over the silliest things. There is always drama on the road, creating a significant problem for you. While you don’t plan to get involved, sometimes, you can’t help it. For example, it’s 6 p.m. When someone cuts your car off, you’ve just left work and haven’t made it around the block. While this wouldn’t usually bother you, it’s been a particularly stressful day. You speed up in turn, getting in front and blocking the other driver. 

A cat and mouse game ends with you locking bumpers with the driver. It’s a silly situation but occurs frequently. On the other hand, an electric bike removes the road drama. You concentrate on a leisurely cycle home without worrying about being cut off by drivers not paying attention or hurrying home. It’s a great way to de-stress and avoid unnecessary drama. It also keeps you out of a potentially dangerous situation. You never know where road rage can lead to. 

Sustainable Transport

Being environmentally friendly might not come into your train of thought; however, cutting emissions has never been more essential. Sustainability is crucial; you could do your part with an electric bike. You use the car less, so burning less fuel creates fewer emissions. It does matter, and it can help when you’re going to the shops or heading off to work. Using an electric bike for your morning and evening commute can ensure you use less energy, and it is a sustainable way to travel. It’s a great way to save energy, especially if you’re less than an hour away from work. 

Be Smart and Commute with an Electric Bike

Electric bikes are innovative and convenient. You not only become fitter but find a sustainable travel method too. You can improve yourself and help the planet, plus you can cut out the drama of the morning commute. Electric bikes are an affordable solution and are user-friendly. There has never been a better time to look at investing in an electric bike. It’s a smart way to commute, and you’ll love it since you can save money on the commute. 

About the author:

Trevor James is the founder of Electric Bike Paradise, the #1 online retailer of electric bikes, electric scooters, electric skateboards, mobility scooters, electric wheelchairs, and electric golf caddies. Trevor has been selling bicycles, electric bikes, and electric scooters online since 2010. He eventually established Electric Bike Paradise in late 2013 when he met a car enthusiast who introduced him to electric bikes. Trevor searched for electric bikes online but couldn’t find a website that offered a wide selection of electric bikes, scooters, and informational articles. He decided to start a website where everyone could shop conveniently, browse buying guides, and read educational posts. The website is called Electric Bike Paradise.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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