
How a Good Sealcoat Can Save You Money and Extend the Life of Your Driveway?

So, your driveway isn’t looking the way you’d like it to? These are outdoor surfaces that are always prone to damage and worsening condition due to various elements. The way your driveway gets used plays a vital role in its life and performance too. Also, quite often, the only thing wrong with it is faded color spots, stripes or patterns. Other cases might not be so similar.

Both domestic and commercial buildings use asphalt driveways of different kinds. It is important to get service from an experienced driveway paving company in Washington to start with. It needs to be laid right with the right mixture and preparation of the base. Also, sealcoat on your driveway can help extend its life cheaply. Read below to find out more information about sealcoat for driveway and its efficiency:

Reasons Why You Need a Sealcoat on Your Paved Driveway

The first question that comes to every property owner’s mind is why I need a sealcoat? In fact, many proper owners don’t even know what a sealcoat for asphalt driveway is. However, a sealcoat might be able to save you money and make your driveway look good as new. Some reasons your driveway needs one may include:

  • Faded color patches, stripes or patterns on the driveway that make it look too worn out and messy. A seal coat will give it that nice dark upper surface color again in no time.
  • Your driveway has developed cracked patches in square shapes. This might be because of the layer underneath is breaking up.
  • Driveway has long cracked lines running across it from one end to the other. These types of cracks are signs of an aging driveway or one that has ground shift.
  • There are cracks on the edges of the driveway right alongside curbs. This can be because of heavy loads for long periods of time around the edges.
  • Your driveway has uneven patches on different parts. Ground shifting underneath or heavy loads on some parts of it often may case the base to get pressed down.
  • Potholes on your driveway can cause real damage and inconvenience. Stagnant water or crumbling patches may cause potholes.
  • Just general crumbling or debris coming off of your driveway can be very unwanted as well. That adhesive layer may get weakened letting the stone come off.

Some Helpful Facts About Sealcoating Driveways

  • A quality sealcoat protects your driveway and prolongs its lifespan. It does this by filling the pavement surface with a protective layer on top. This layer protects from damaging UV rays and also repairs the damaged areas on your asphalt driveway.
  • Sealcoat is always much cheaper than a new asphalt driveway. It will save home or commercial property owners money while restoring the upper surface of the driveway gracefully.
  • The natural life of a driveway exposes it to natural elements. Because of that, it is expected to fade in appearance. Its customary dark appearance will fade over time. A sealcoat from a quality asphalt paving contractor will bring back that lost elegance and dark color.
  • A typical sealcoat can be provided by the contractor using one of two methods. First one is through spraying the material on the surface. Second one is by using a squeegee method.
  • A good sealcoat on your asphalt pavement will accelerate melting of snow and ice. So, if you live in a cold snow-prone area, a fresh sealcoat will prevent rain water and snow penetration too.
  • Ideally, you want the air and surface temperature to be close to at least 44 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be the same for at least eight hours after the application. This will settle the new material on the surface best.
  • Before starting the driveway sealcoat process, make sure to properly clear off all dirt and debris on the surface. Also, potholes should be filled and engine oils should be removed before putting the sealcoat on for it to settle properly.

Should You Get Sealcoat or a New Driveway Installation

So, having gone through all these abovementioned points, you should get a good idea about the asphalt driveway sealcoat process. The next question is should you get a sealcoat or a new driveway entirely. This one depends on many factors.

If your driveway has not been seal-coated before, it is best to go with one. However, a typical driveway can handle multiple sealcoats as well when done right. Also, the intensity of damage or wearing off will decide whether you should get a sealcoat or a new driveway.

It is often best to ask your driveway contractor for this suggestion too. They will assess the situation including the ground below factors. If there is a shift in the ground of layers underneath, a new driveway should be good. However, for minor problems, a sealcoat can save lots of money and time.

Final Words

Both for domestic and commercial properties, asphalt driveways are must have assets. However, these will wear off dulling in look and functionality over time. Getting a sealcoat is often the best solution to making your asphalt driveway look good as new again and also repair minor damages.

Sealcoat is much less expensive and less time consuming than a new driveway installation. Also, a proper fresh sealcoat prolongs the life of your driveway. So, make sure to check out your options and get a new sealcoat every few years for the driveway to last long.

James Morkel

Tech website author with a passion for all things technology. Expert in various tech domains, including software, gadgets, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. Dedicated to simplifying complex topics and providing informative and engaging content to readers. Stay updated with the latest tech trends and industry news through their insightful articles.

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