
4 Colorful Emojis To Show Off Your Pride

Everyone wants to be treated equally. No gender biases. No social standing. And no family riches getting in the way. Unfortunately, life is unfair, and not everyone gets it. The LGBTQIA+ always get the short end of the stick. No one listens to them because they are considered the third sex.

But since Pride Month is almost here and there is no better way to celebrate than showing off your colors. You can dress up, make a stand, and raise awareness. If you cannot join the parade, include Pride Flag emojis in your post! Each person’s support goes a long way. Raise your flags and let their voices be heard!

Pride Month is all about diversity, showing people that not everything is black and white. It could be a rainbow too. Be loud and be proud because here are four colorful emojis to show off your pride!

1. Pride Flag Emojis

It is not a Pride Parade if no flags are flying everywhere. Each color in the rainbow flag represents the values the community lives for. They are red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, blue for serenity, and purple for spirit. Meanwhile, the colors of the transgender flag are light blue for boys, pink for girls, and white as the transition.

Two out of 24 Pride Flags are present in the emoji keyboard. The rainbow emoji flag emoji and the transgender flag emoji. If you cannot join the parade, you can always show your pride online! Never live in fear again by showing off your true colors.

2. Rainbow Emoji

As they say, “there is always a rainbow after the rain.” Meanwhile, others believe that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Whatever your belief over a natural phenomenon is, no one can deny the beauty of the rainbow. Its vibrant colors are always a welcome sight after the gray clouds subside. But it is more than just a rainbow now, as it is the most common symbol of Pride. 

The rainbow emoji is as colorful as the people of the LGBTQIA+ community. You can add it to a post to declare your never ending love and support for the community. Another way is to pair it with the hashtag #LoveWins and let people know that love is not limited to heterosexual relationships.

3. Unicorn Emoji

Horses are a huge part of European mythology. There’s the winged kind called the pegasus and the half-human kind called the centaur. However, it’s the horned kind that always gets the attention. This mythical creature is known for its large size and shiny coat. They are believed to be creatures of change. Fluidity in genders is the reason why unicorns are associated with the community.

The unicorn emoji depicts a unicorn facing left, showing its horn and multi-colored mane. You can use this emoji to tell a story to kids! Try adding the unicorn emoji to a post that speaks about equality for everyone. Another way is to let people know that you are fighting for the same human rights as the LGBTQIA+ community does.

4. Crown Emoji

Drag is not exclusive to the community. Anyone can do it! It is more than just dressing up as a woman. It is about exploring femininity. Many revere it as an art form. After all, these people design and make their clothes and do their hair and makeup. They even self-promote by joining shows. These passionate people are called drag queens, and a queen wears a crown.

In the modern setting, being a queen is not just a title. It is a state of mind. The best way to let people know who is in charge is by using the crown emoji. This emoji is made of gold and with five visible jewels. You can use the crown emoji to assert authority. The best way to use this emoji is to crown people you support, especially ones from the LGBTQIA+ community. 

There are a lot of ways to show off your support for Pride. You can be as colorful as you wish, or you could come as you are. It is more than just being colorful. It is giving support to the people who are always overlooked. Though people misunderstand them, you can use emojis to explain.


The best thing about emojis is how you can use them to tell a story. You can put a standing man emoji, the right arrow emoji, the standing woman emoji, and the transgender flag emoji together to explain how the transition works. 

If you are trying to come out to your family, soften the blow by putting together the rainbow flag emoji and the unicorn emoji. It is a simple way of letting them know who you truly are. Read more about emojis and the meanings behind them by visiting!

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